FabFilter News
FabFilter releases FabFilter Saturn 1.01 update with solo/mute options
We have just updated the FabFilter Saturn multi-band distortion and saturation plug-in to version 1.01, introducing flexible per-band solo and mute options along with various minor bug fixes. This is a free update for existing FabFilter Saturn users.
Here is a full list of the changes in FabFilter Saturn 1.01:
- Added solo/mute buttons to the interactive band display that let you easily listen to specific bands only. Click a solo or mute button to toggle solo or mute mode. Alternatively, hold down a button to solo or mute temporarily while the mouse is down. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Cmd-click (Mac) a button to solo or mute the band exclusively.
- Fixed incorrect interpretation of parameter values that are typed in the host (e.g. for automation points) in the VST 2 and VST 3 plug-ins.
- Fixed a bug in the VST 2 plug-in that could cause automation of band crossovers to work incorrectly after inserting a new band.
- Fixed a couple of errors in the help file.
The FabFilter Saturn 1.01 update is available now at www.fabfilter.com/download.
FabFilter Saturn is available for EUR 129, USD 174 or GBP 114, supporting both Windows and Mac OS X in VST and VST 3, Audio Units, AAX, RTAS and AudioSuite plug-in formats. Bundles with FabFilter Saturn and other FabFilter plug-ins are also available. See www.fabfilter.com/shop.
Existing FabFilter customers can purchase Saturn with great discounts by logging in to their online user account: www.fabfilter.com/myaccount.