Additional Downloads

These downloads are intended for users of previous versions of our plug-ins. New users should download the plug-ins from the main Download page instead.

Legacy plug-ins

Legacy plug-ins are superseded by newer plug-in versions, but we still keep them up-to-date.


Pro-Q 3.27

Feb 26, 2025

Pro-Q 2.28

May 30, 2024

Pro-L 1.35

May 30, 2024

Pro-R 1.18

May 30, 2024

Timeless 2.39

May 30, 2024

Saturn 1.29

May 30, 2024

Twin 2.39

May 30, 2024

Volcano 2.39

May 30, 2024

Discontinued plug-in versions

The following plug-in installers are for older versions of our plug-ins and will not be updated anymore.


Pro-Q 1.23

Jul 11, 2013

Pro-C 1.23

Jul 11, 2013

Timeless 1.01

May 14, 2007

Volcano 1.21

May 14, 2007

Twin 1.21

May 14, 2007

Legacy Total bundle installers

Due to the constant development of macOS, the minimum requirements or our plug-ins often change. Our current macOS installers only include 64-bit plug-ins and typically support macOS versions up to 4 or 5 years back. If you need our plug-ins to run on an older system, here are some of the old Total Bundle installers, containing all plug-ins that were available at that time. Note that these installers will not be updated in the future.


macOS 10.12

FabFilter Total Bundle (64-bit only) for macOS 10.12 and higher (Intel and Apple Silicon)

Contains FabFilter Pro-Q 3.21, Pro-R 1.13, Pro-L 2.11, Pro-C 2.15, Pro-MB 1.26, Pro-DS 1.19, Pro-G 1.29, Saturn 2.06, Timeless 3.03, Volcano 3.02, Twin 2.34, One 3.35, Simplon 1.34 and Micro 1.24.


macOS 10.10 / 10.11

FabFilter Total Bundle (64-bit only) for macOS 10.10 and higher (Intel and Apple Silicon)

Contains FabFilter Pro-Q 3.17, Pro-R 1.10, Pro-L 2.07, Pro-C 2.12, Pro-MB 1.23, Pro-DS 1.16, Pro-G 1.26, Saturn 2.03, Timeless 3.00, Volcano 2.32, Twin 2.32, One 3.33, Simplon 1.32 and Micro 1.22.


macOS 10.8

FabFilter Total Bundle (both 32-bit and 64-bit) for macOS 10.8 and higher (Intel only)

Contains FabFilter Pro-Q 3.11, Pro-R 1.06, Pro-L 2.03, Pro-C 2.08, Pro-MB 1.19, Pro-DS 1.12, Pro-G 1.22, Saturn 1.20, Timeless 2.30, Volcano 2.30, Twin 2.30, One 3.31, Simplon 1.30 and Micro 1.20.


macOS 10.6.8 (last RTAS versions)

FabFilter Total Bundle for Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Intel only, including RTAS)

Contains FabFilter Pro-Q 2.12, Pro-R 1.04, Pro-L 2.01, Pro-C 2.06, Pro-MB 1.17, Pro-DS 1.10, Pro-G 1.20, Saturn 1.18, Timeless 2.28, Volcano 2.28, Twin 2.28, One 3.29, Simplon 1.28 and Micro 1.18.


macOS 10.5

FabFilter Total Bundle for Mac OS X 10.5 (Intel only, including RTAS)

Contains FabFilter Pro-Q 2.03, Pro-L 1.13, Pro-C 2.00, Pro-MB 1.11, Pro-DS 1.04, Pro-G 1.13, Saturn 1.13, Timeless 2.23, Volcano 2.23, Twin 2.23, One 3.23, Simplon 1.23 and Micro 1.13.


macOS 10.4 (last PowerPC versions)

FabFilter Total Bundle for Mac OS X 10.4 / PowerPC (including RTAS)

Contains FabFilter Pro-Q 1.13, Pro-L 1.05, Pro-C 1.17, Pro-G 1.05, Saturn 1.01, Timeless 2.13, Volcano 2.14, Twin 2.14, One 3.15, Simplon 1.14 and Micro 1.05.


Windows 32-bit RTAS

FabFilter Total Bundle for Windows (32-bit, including RTAS)

Contains FabFilter Pro-Q 2.12, Pro-R 1.04, Pro-L 2.01, Pro-C 2.06, Pro-MB 1.17, Pro-DS 1.10, Pro-G 1.20, Saturn 1.18, Timeless 2.28, Volcano 2.28, Twin 2.28, One 3.29, Simplon 1.28 and Micro 1.18.

Factory Presets

All FabFilter factory presets
This ZIP file contains the factory presets for all FabFilter plug-ins, making it easy to restore them in case you need to manually install the factory presets. Simply copy the presets per plug-in from extracted archive to /Documents/FabFilter/Presets/<plug-in name>.

Other extras and downloads

FabFilter Twin 2 Extras

Twin 2 factory presets as KORE2 sounds
This ZIP file contains the Twin 2 factory presets as KORE sounds, contributed by Losan.

FabFilter Timeless 2 Extras

Timeless 2 factory presets as KORE2 patches
This ZIP file contains the Timeless 2 factory presets as KORE sounds, contributed by Losan.

FabFilter One Extras

FabFilter One extra presets
Contributed by Laurent Vandiedonck and Lars Früauff. Simply extract in your presets folder to create a new Extra category.

FabFilter One PatchArena presets
Entries of the PatchArena FabFilter One competition, contributed by Whoomph, John Does, Machomaus, MoonDive, Relayer, Softegg, TC and Torben Hansen.

FabFilter One Controller templates
Contains a patch for the Novation Remote 25 and a scene template for the Korg MicroKontrol so you can use these devices to control FabFilter One. Contributed by kraftF (Novation Remote 25) and Phaseshifter (Korg MicroKontrol).

FabFilter Volcano Extras

FabFilter Volcano Controller templates
Contains two patches for the Novation Remote 25 so you can use it to control FabFilter Volcano 1. See Readme.txt for installation details. Contributed by kraftF.

Novation Nocturn Automaps

Pro-Q and Pro-G Nocturn automaps for VST and RTAS
This ZIP file contains Novation Nocturn automaps contributed by Enrique Silveti.