Twenty Years
of FabFilter

FabFilter celebrates twentieth anniversary milestone

Apple releases Vision Pro, we are waiting for the first visually immersive DAW

Pro‑R 2 launched, offering new algorithms, Impulse Response import & gating/ducking options

The Beatles release "Now and Then", featuring FabFilter Pro‑Q 3 in the short film about the song

FabFilter releases Twin 3 synthesizer plug‑in

Taylor Swift announces the "Eras Tour" which sends fans worldwide into a frenzy

FabFilter's YouTube channel reaches 100K subscribers thanks to Dan Worrall's amazing tutorials

Can machines chat? ChatGPT sparks debate as AI skills mimic human conversation

FabFilter releases Volcano 3 filter plug‑in

Cargo ship blocks Suez canal; plug-ins can still be delivered

Timeless 3 released offering a world of creative delay modulation & intuitive parameter tweaking

Apple introduces ARM M1 chip, improving energy efficiency while
keeping plug-in developers busy

Saturn 2 released introducing a redesigned modulation section and a variety of new algorithms

Coronavirus outbreak cripples live music, cancelling concerts globally and leaving fans & artists in limbo

FabFilter wins Engineering Emmy Award for their Pro‑Q 3 equalizer plug‑in

First image of a black hole is captured, providing new insights into these mysterious objects

FabFilter celebrates its 15 years anniversary with a sale and a party showcasing Jamie Lidell and Binkbeats

FabFilter releases Pro‑Q 3 equalizer plug‑in with dynamic EQ

Cambridge Analytica scandal exposes the misuse of personal data on Facebook

FabFilter releases Pro‑L 2 implementing updated algorithms and new standard for loudness metering

CRISPR gene-editing technology is used on human embryos for the first time

SpaceX's Falcon 9 is the first rocket to successfully launch and return with a vertical landing

FabFilter releases Pro‑R reverb plug‑in

Prince performs two intimate final concerts at Atlanta's Fox Theatre — days before his death at age 57

FabFilter releases Pro‑C 2 compressor plug‑in

Google DeepMind's AlphaGo AI beats the world champion Go player Lee Sedol

FabFilter releases Pro‑Q 2 equalizer plug‑in

Facebook purchases WhatsApp for the astronomical bid of $16 billion

FabFilter celebrates tenth anniversary milestone

FabFilter releases Pro‑MB multiband dynamics plug‑in

Daft Punk releases final studio album Random Access Memories and wins Album of the Year at the Grammys

FabFilter releases Saturn distortion and saturation plug‑in

NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover starts exploring the red planet

LUFS metering standard becomes widely adopted in production and streaming

FabFilter announces Pro‑G gate/expander plug‑in

Spotify launched in the United States

FabFilter releases Volcano 2 filter plug‑in

Adele's "21" becomes one of the best-selling albums of all time

FabFilter announces Pro‑L limiter plug‑in

K-Pop goes global: groups like Girls' Generation and Super Junior spark international interest

FabFilter releases Micro: a mini filter plug‑in for a mini price

Scientists at MIT create a 5-atom quantum computer that could make today's encryption obsolete

MTV Video Music Awards: Kanye interrupts Taylor's acceptance speech and ignites a pop culture firestorm

FabFilter releases Pro‑Q, introducing a new approach to EQ and interface design

The still mysterious and unidentified Satoshi Nakamoto releases Bitcoin from an anonymous computer

FabFilter releases Timeless 2 delay plug‑in

Michael Jackson dies at the age of 50

FabFilter releases Twin 2 offering more options for creative modulation and sound design

VST3 plug-in technology introduced by Steinberg

Windows Vista replaces Windows XP

FabFilter releases Pro‑C compressor plug‑in with comprehensive side chain matrix

Apple releases its first iPhone, revolutionizing how we use smartphones to this day

The Daft Punk performs a comeback set at Coachella festival

FabFilter releases Simplon filter plug‑in

J Dilla releases the brilliant album Donuts, just three days before his untimely death

FabFilter releases Timeless delay plug‑in

NASA launches the New Horizons probe with the primary mission of studying Pluto

FabFilter releases Twin synthesizer plug‑in

YouTube launches in USA, revolutionizing how people consume and create video content

FabFilter releases Volcano filter plug‑in

iTunes topples Wal‑Mart as digital downloads reshape the music industry

Mark Zuckerberg renames TheFacebook to Facebook after purchasing the facebook.com domain

FabFilter officially founded with the release of FabFilter One